Blocos removidos da Edição Java

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Esse artigo fala sobre blocos removidos da edição Java. Para outros recursos removidos, veja Recursos removidos da Edição Java. Para blocos removidos na edição Bedrock, veja Blocos removidos da Edição Bedrock.
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Esta página documenta uma lista exaustiva de blocos que não existem mais nas versões atuais de Edição Java.

Blocos removidos definitivamente

Apesar de ter uma funcionalidade única notável ou um ID de bloco próprio, esses blocos acabaram sendo removidos pelo jogo ou substituídos por outro bloco de uso completamente diferente.

Antiga Lã colorida / Pano

Veja também:

Adicionado no clássico, a lã tinha 16 cores. Todas as cores menos o branco, foram removidas no final do Infdev. Com a introdução da Beta 1.2, a Lã Colorida foi re-adicionada, embora com algumas cores diferentes.


Artigo principal: Gear

Um bloco totalmente animado, era inacessível e não tinha nenhum uso real além da decoração.

Fontes infinita de água e lava

Esses blocos geraram persistentemente seus respectivos líquidos ao seu redor.

Baú trancado

Artigo principal: Locked Chest

Um bloco de piada, completamente sem relação com a capacidade atual de bloquear baús via NBT.


Artigo principal: Shrub

Um bloco que parecia idêntico ao arbusto seco, embora possuindo um deslocamento aleatório e as drops de grama, pois compartilhavam um ID numérico. Estes foram fundidos em o arbusto seco em 17w47a.

Blocos substituídos por outros blocos

Esses blocos foram redundantes pela introdução posterior de outro bloco servindo ao seu propósito exato, resultando na fusão deles no referido ID de bloco ou simplesmente removidos do jogo, ou foram renomeados e retexturizados simultaneamente, mantendo uma funcionalidade central idêntica.

Blocos genéricos de coral

Artigo principal: Coral Block

Na snapshot 18w09a, todos os blocos de coral tinham a mesma textura, com cores diferentes. Por causa disso, havia apenas uma variante morta necessária. A partir da snapshot 18w10a, cada cor do bloco de coral tinha sua própria textura única, mas ainda morreria no mesmo bloco de coral morto genérico da snapshot anterior. O bloco de coral morto genérico foi removido e substituído por variantes mortas para cada cor na snapshot 18w10b.

Comparador energizado

Artigo principal: Redstone Comparator

Durante o desenvolvimento da 1.5, o comparador inicialmente usou dois IDs de bloco separados para representar seus estados energizado e não energizado, com os IDs de nome unpowered_comparator e powered_comparator e IDs numéricos 149 e 150, respectivamente. A partir do snapshot 13w05a, o bloco powered_comparator foi retirado de uso no jogo, substituído por um powered block state no Bloco unpowered_comparator. Ele foi removido completamente na snapshot 17w47a para 1.13, a partir de The Flattening.

Terra sem grama

Artigo principal: Coarse Dirt § History

Da snapshot 13w36a para a 14w25a, existia uma forma de Terra chamada "terra sem grama". Tinha a mesma textura da terra, mas não crescia grama. Nas snapshots da 1.7 seguintes, ele geraria nos biomas Savana M. A terra sem grama soltava terra regular mesmo quando extraída com toque suave. Mais tarde foi substituído por Terra infértil.

Blocos resultantes de valores de dados extremos

A maioria desses blocos provavelmente nunca existiu no jogo e ocorreu apenas devido ao jogo lidar com valores extremos de metadados, como faria com aqueles em intervalos geralmente atingíveis, resultando em blocos estranhos com características indiscutivelmente análogas aos dados de lixo.

Folhas com valor de dados 3, 7, 11, 15

Desde a introdução das folhas na Beta 1.2 até o Achatamento da 1.13, as folhas usavam valores de dados numéricos dentro do bloco folhas para manter seu tipo. Como apenas três espécies existiram desde Beta 1.2 até a versão 1.1, com valores de dados 0/1/2 (e por extensão 4/5/6, 8/9/10 e 13/12/14), um valor de dados de 3, 7 , 11 ou 15 produziriam um tipo de folha indefinido. Este bloco parecia idêntico às folhas de carvalho convencionais, mas parecia usar a tonalidade de abeto.

Estes foram substituídos fora do jogo pela primeira snapshot da versão 1.2, já que as folhas da selva passaram a ocupar esse espaço no bloco de folhas.

Lajes de pedra lisa sem costura

Quando novos tipos de lajes foram introduzidos na Beta 1.3,[verificar] lajes com valores de dados até 7 que excediam o valor da laje mais alta legitimamente obtida usaria o topo em todas as faces.

Dois deles foram substituídos por lajes de tijolo e pedra no Pré-lançamento Beta 1.8, um foi substituído por lajes de tijolo inferior na snapshot 12w49a para 1.4.6, e o último restante foi substituído pela laje de quartzo na snapshot 1.5 13w02a. O bloco de pedra lisa foi efetivamente reimplementado mais tarde na 1.5 na snapshot 13w04a, fazendo com que as oito lajes de pedra superiores usassem a textura superior em todos os lados (também introduzindo arenito liso e quartzo como resultado), mas a versão da laje não está mais no jogo.

Alavancas estranhas

Elas também tinham modelos distorcidos estranhos e podiam ser obtidas carregando um mundo na 1.3 ou posterior contendo alavancas de teto (0, 7, 8, 15) na 1.2.5.

Blocos em vasos de flores que não deveriam estar em vasos de flores

Da versão 1.7 em diante, como a quantidade de blocos que podiam ser colocados em vasos excedia 15, os valores convencionais de metadados de 4 bits não podiam ser usados ​​para armazenar o conteúdo de um vaso de flores e, como tal, uma entidade de bloco precisava ser usada. Isso permitia que qualquer bloco (ou mesmo item) fosse colocado dentro de um vaso de flores, mas poucos deles realmente seriam renderizados com o bloco dentro.

Na 14w17a, quase certamente devido a mudanças em como os blocos são renderizados com eles sendo alterados para usar modelos de bloco em vez de modelos codificados, essas variantes de potes ímpares simplesmente renderizadas como potes vazios sem mais peculiaridades interessantes, além do fato de que os seus conteúdos "inválidos" podem ser recuperados do pote quebrando ou clicando com o botão direito do mouse. Eles foram completamente removidos na snapshot 17w47a, que dividiu o bloco de vaso de flores em um ID de bloco individual por objeto em vaso e descartou a entidade do ladrilho.


A primeira versão para fazer vasos de flores usava uma entidade de bloco, o fato de que vasos de flores poderiam conter samambaias sangrou um pouco em seus outros valores de dano, permitindo que arbustos e grama existissem em vasos também. Além disso, as teias de aranha renderiam se colocadas em um vaso de flores.

In order to be affected by biome coloration, potted ferns/grass/green shrubs needed to have a data value of 11 (the data value formerly belonging to the potted fern) – otherwise they would appear as their raw textures.


In this version, a large amount of blocks now render if placed in flower pots via commands. In order to place these with commands, use the following command, with ITEM and DATA substituted with the appropriate values from Java Edition data value/Pre-flattening/Block IDs as necessary:

/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:flower_pot 0 destroy {Item:ITEM,Data:DATA}

Only blocks that are completely unique in their rendering are shown here; some visually identical blocks do exist that are not listed here separately, such as the early stages of both carrots and potatoes, or potted pumpkins and jack o'lanterns.

The blocks always appear as a cross shape based on their bottom texture. Blocks with translucency appear either completely opaque or, in the case of stained glass, most pixels are invisible.

Some blocks appear tinted by biome if their normal variants usually would be. As leaves were tinted as per their numerical data values, setting the number prior to destroy to 1 for specifically potted leaves causes them to be tinted with the spruce color, and setting it to 2 gives the birch color. 0 or 3 results in them being tinted per biome like oak and jungle leaves are.


In 14w06b, likely due to the fix for MC-47469, an additional 57 visually distinct potted objects could be placed:


14w07a introduced the iron trapdoor, which rendered in a flower pot.

Removido na 1.8 (14w26a)

These existed due to the previous handling of block variations through metadata, rather than through block states or as separate IDs. Extreme values of these would produce unintended effects.

Abóboras sem rosto e jack o'lanterns

It was possible to place pumpkins and jack o'lantern with no actual face using metadata values 5 and above. Their models became missing in 14w10a and they faced removal in snapshot 14w26a like other unintended blocks.

In 17w47a, the faceless pumpkin made a comeback as the proper, default pumpkin block, with the then-current pumpkin being moved to the role of carved pumpkin. The faceless jack o'lantern will likely not be reimplemented.

Fornos sem rosto e excepcionais

Furnaces (as well as lit furnaces) with metadata values 0, 1, 6, 7, 12 and 13 would have no faces, using the side texture for all orthogonal faces and the usual top and bottom texture on the top and bottom. Furnaces and lit furnaces with data values 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15 would appear normal, but were probably not legitimately obtainable.

Unlike with many blocks, these need to be placed using external editors, as /setblock will always place a furnace which is within the normal range.

All of these invalid furnaces and lit furnaces lost their models in 14w10a, with the exception of the unlit furnace with data value 0, which kept the faceless appearance. The lit furnace with no facing direction regained its model sometime between 14w17a and 14w21b.

Six-sided blocks

A six-sided hay bale (side texture). A six-sided piston (top texture). A six-sided sticky piston (top texture).

The following blocks existed in the game at some point before being phased out with the advent of block states. Whether they will return is not known.

While the hay bale lost its texture in 14w10a like many other blocks, it took until 14w17a for the piston blocks to appear as missing texture blocks.

The six-sided pistons could be obtained without commands using special contraptions that caused pistons to be updated by other pistons in a special way.

Interestingly, other six-sided blocks resulting from similar circumstances such as wood and smooth stone were not removed, and were even given unique block IDs and made craftable in later updates.

Arbusto verde

Artigo principal: Shrub § History

These blocks had an identical texture to the shrub and dead bush, with the main difference being that it was tinted based on the biome.

Unlike the usual shrub, its inclusion within the game was most likely unintentional, as it became present in the game only after 13w10a (as it crashed the game from 13w02a to 13w09c, and appeared identical to usual grass beforehand), and sported a missing texture after 14w10a like many other undefined blocks.

Overgrown cocoa

Cocoa has twelve possible block state combinations, as it has four possible orientations coupled with three distinct stages of growth. Before the introduction of proper block states, this therefore meant that twelve of the possible sixteen metadata variants were actually used, resulting in the uppermost four exhibiting interesting undefined behavior.

From their introduction up until and including 13w01b, they used the dragon egg texture, which makes sense as the dragon egg texture was directly to the left of the cocoa pod texture in terrain.png. From 13w10a up to 14w06, it appeared as a broken cocoa pod, and from then on up to its removal it used the missing texture.

Versions North East South West
(Crashes the game if a chunk containing one is loaded)
(Crashes the game if one is brought into view)
Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png
14w25a+ No longer present in the game

Overgrown wheat

Because wheat has eight distinct growth stages, the other upper eight values went completely unused. As a result, for a relatively long period of time, wheat crops with such values would see vast unintentional changes, as the textures they would try to pull from would end up overflowing over to the next line of terrain.png.

This included the textures commonly speculated to be for chair and table blocks. Whether Notch was using extreme inaccessible wheat values as a way to test chair models is highly unlikely, although still possible.

Versões Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15
Alpha v1.0.0
Alpha v1.0.1
Alpha v1.1.2_01
Alpha v1.2.0
Beta 1.2_02
Beta 1.3
Beta 1.7.3
Beta 1.8 Pre-release
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5
(Crashes the game if a chunk containing one is loaded)
Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png
No longer present in the game

Overgrown melon and pumpkin stems

Melon and pumpkin stems also have eight distinct stages of growth. However, instead of having eight individual textures for each of the eight growth stages, each stage reveals two more pixels of the stem texture from the top down, and the tint applied to the stem texture also changes. As a result, since the stems have eight unused upper values in addition to the eight lower used states, the upper states start pulling from the texture below the stem texture on the texture atlas currently in use, and they use extreme tints that cannot normally be applied in normal gameplay. Their wireframe hitboxes would also appear to extend above the bounds of the block when targeted, but attempting to target anything above the height of the block would result in the stem not actually being targeted.

Versões Caule de melancia Caule de abóbora
Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15
Beta 1.8 Pre-release
(Crashes the game if one is brought into view) (Crashes the game if one is brought into view)
14w25a+ No longer present in the game
Versões Caule curvo (Norte) Caule curvo (Leste) Caule curvo (Sul) Caule curvo (Oeste)
Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15
Beta 1.8 Pre-release
14w26a+ No longer present in the game

Overeaten cakes

There are six different states cake can legitimately be in: either intact, or in one of five progressively more eaten states, which was kept track of via block metadata like with many other blocks. Like with many blocks previously showcased, only some of these states were truly legitimately accessible. As such, interesting behavior is demonstrated by the inaccessible states.

Cakes with six bites, while obtainable now, were never actually obtainable in the game during the time when these odd overeaten cakes existed. Cakes with seven bites were completely two-dimensional, and cakes with eight through fifteen bites appeared especially glitchy, proceeding to invert themselves, such that their textures would be visible only on the inside rather than the outside, and these textures would be borrowed from adjacent spots of the texture atlas currently in use. Their wireframe hitboxes would also visually extend in this direction, but they would actually be able to be targeted only by aiming at the portion of that hitbox within the block the cake is really situated. Collision boxes for these are similarly odd.

Versões Seen from above Seen from below
8 bites 9 bites 10 bites 11 bites 12 bites 13 bites 14 bites 15 bites 8 bites 9 bites 10 bites 11 bites 12 bites 13 bites 14 bites 15 bites
Beta 1.2
Beta 1.6.6
Beta 1.7
Beta 1.7.3
Beta 1.8 Pre-release
Arquivo:Cake Bites 8 13w03a.png
Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png Arquivo:Missing Texture Block.png
14w26a+ No longer present in the game

Minor removed block variants

Certain blocks had removed variants with minor, but still notable, quirks.

Invisible stairs

Originally, stair blocks with data values 4 through 15 would be completely invisible and have no collisions; the only indication of their existence was their full block hitbox outline when targeted.

In 12w08a, these data values would go on to be used for the newly implemented upside down stairs. Data values 8 through 15 would appear to just be duplicates of 0 through 15, and were probably unused in themselves until their removal. These last eight were removed in 14w26a, like other invalid blocks. They also never used the missing texture.

Wall sign with full block hitbox

Signs used block metadata values 2, 3, 4 and 5 to determine their facing direction. As a result, signs placed with data values 0, 1 or anything 6 and above would always appear facing south, and have the wireframe hitbox (but not physical collision box) of a full block.

These were probably removed in mid 1.8 like many other such blocks.

Invisible random ladders

Ladders also used block metadata values 2, 3, 4 and 5 to determine their facing direction. As a result, ladders placed with data values 0, 1 or anything 6 and above exhibited behavior atypical of normal ladders. Notably, they would appear to readily switch what block face they were attached to (sometimes seemingly randomly, but could be controlled by looking at a valid ladder, in which case they end up switching to whatever its hitbox was), which could be seen through their wireframe hitbox and their collision box. Initially they would be full cubes.

For most of their existence they appeared completely invisible, although in 14w07a they changed to appearing as small missing texture cubes centered on the block. They became full missing texture cubes in 14w10a.

These were probably removed in mid 1.8 like many other such blocks.

Vines with data value 0 also appeared as small missing texture cubes, however they still exist in 1.16.3 (as vines with all states set to false).

Incorrectly modeled torches

When block metadata was still in use, torches used state 5 for normal floor attachment and 1, 2, 3 and 4 for wall torches. 0, 6 and 7 appear to be unused, and are visually identical to normal torches. 0 can only be obtained via external editors, and oddly not by setblock.

Torches with data values 8 and up appear to exhibit interesting behavior: 8, 13, 14 and 15 appeared and behaved as normal floor torches. However, 9, 10, 11 and 12 would have the wireframe hitboxes of wall torches, but would appear as floor torches, causing the hitbox to be detached from the torch.

Redstone torches are affected in much the same way.

Loading a chunk with these in 14w06a causes a game crash. These became small missing cubes in 14w06b before graduating to full missing cubes in 14w10a until their removal in what is almost certainly 14w26a.

Botões estranhos

Note: due to the inconsistent nature of these blocks, certain details are not fully confirmed.

In 1.7.10, using commands to place a button with data value 0, 13, 14 or 15 will result in very odd behavior. The button will appear as a full oak planks or stone block, until (possibly) another button is observed or an item of said button is obtained, at which point it will use item model of button. They do not appear to change shape when pressed in either case.

Much information regarding these buttons remains unknown as these are very inconsistent in their behavior and also somewhat unstable, breaking frequently, and their behavior probably also changes drastically per version. Despite never actually changing data value, they seem to differently register what block face they are attached to each time.

What exactly the other data values of buttons were that were unused and eventually removed are unknown.

Bottomless and bricking hoppers

Hoppers with a metadata value of 1 or 9 would previously not actually appear to point in any direction. Like many of these removed blocks, they had a missing model from 14w10a up to their removal.

Using /setblock to place a hopper with metadata values 6, 7, 14 or 15 would crash the game and permanently prevent that world from being loaded, although it may be possible to recover using external editors.

Nether portal post
Artigo principal: Nether Portal (block)

In 1.7.2's development, nether portals placed with data value 3, 7, 11 or 15 resulted in a vertical nether portal beam block.

Variantes chatas

Prior to the introduction of proper block states, the 0–15 block metadata system applied to all blocks. This had absolutely no effect on the majority of blocks. All interesting cases are mentioned in above sections – those which remain are listed below.

All of these gained a missing model in 14w10a and were removed in 14w26a (with increasingly unstable behavior in 14w25a and 14w25b, usually causing game crashes when approached) unless explicitly stated otherwise.

There were a total of X of these boring blocks prior to their removal, listed in the sections below.

Blocks which did not use block metadata at all
Blocks which used only some of the available block metadata
Weird variants eventually replaced with normal blocks
Esta seção está faltando informação sobre: Test these:
  • planks
  • jungle logs
  • sandstone
  • quartz pillars
  • slabs
  • stone
  • chiseled stone bricks
  • wool
  • sand
  • infested stone brick variants. 
Por favor, expanda esta seção para incluir esta informação. Mais detalhes podem existir na página de discussão.

Removed in 1.13 (17w47a)

These were the result of block state handling combined with the old block ID system, resulting in some odd combinations.

Redundant seamless double slabs

In 13w04a, double stone slabs were changed so that those with data values 8 through 15 would use the top texture on all six sides. This resulted in the return of the block which would several years later become smooth stone, and also introduced the smooth sandstone and smooth quartz blocks. However, as the smooth stone double slab block also housed the cobblestone, old (later petrified) oak, bricks, stone bricks and nether bricks slabs, these would also end up having "seamless" double slab variants which were visually no different from their normal double slabs or indeed their normal blocks. These blocks persisted up to 17w47a, where they were removed by the Flattening.

Snowy dirt and snowy coarse dirt

As podzol was a numerical variant of dirt prior to 1.13, the snowy block state it used also ended up applying to dirt and coarse dirt, with no effect. These were removed in 1.13.
